Utthita trikonasana, Ardha Chandrasana and Anantasana, aka; Triangle, Half moon and the Blissful pose are the asanas that take centre stage in this practice.
Although I am using ropes you do not need to, but a wall is super handy for balance and proprioception (your sense of where you are in space).
As you get more used to inhabiting your body during your practice you will start to feel the subtleties of each posture and the links that connect them together too.
This practice gets better with repetition, a good memory and a firm idea that you are approaching it, once more, with a beginners mind.
You will need a mat, wall, some blankets, a brick, a belt (ropes are ace but not necessary) and the all important peaceful heart.
Gently move from one pose into the next, paying careful attention to the body and the support that it needs.
Enjoy your practice.
Love and light,
x Lucy
A few nights ago I was on Facebook chatting on the ‘Women with camper-vans’ forum about the idea that a yoga holiday for women with camper-vans might be a nice idea. A lady asked if she do the yoga from a chair. She thought once down on the floor getting up might be difficult. I promised a little video that could be done using a chair (I used a bench in my garden, the weather was just too nice)
There is a lot of ‘Chair pose’.
It’s just a 20 minute practice, but I waffle a bit about G7 summit to begin with. I start teaching the yoga at about a minute in.
Work to your own capacity, be kind to yourself and Enjoy being in your body.
Love and light,
Spending a little bit of time observing the body pays dividends.
When the knees are tight, often they need a little more time to allow the tissues to release. Practice and repetition also helps.
Imagine you are giving your knees a treat, listen to them carefully, explore gentle movement, find out what works for each knee individually. Who knows you might even find that the hamstrings will release a little too 🙂
I have been practicing this sequence for a little while now and I find it super relaxing.
Stay with soft attentive movement, if something does not feel quite right just accept it, release and maybe try again.
I usually find that if I gently try a second time, movement comes a little easier.
Listen to your and body practice with care.
Love and light,
Here it is… just another Yoga practice, with a boat.
Yes you guessed it, Navasana is there, just at the end. Maxine Lunn does this pose beautifully, I always have a picture of her in my head, just in front of st Micheal’s mount.
A boat is firm, well balanced and floats. Just a thought for when you attempt the pose.
Enjoy your practice, pay attention to your body and be sensitive to your needs.
Love and light,
This little sequence is designed to get your head around practicing in a small space. Maybe your standing pose stance will be a little narrower, maybe your space will not allow you to stretch your arms over your head… who knows, only your practice area will let you know.
The poses here are all simple ones I have taught before, and are suitable for a regular practice.
Look around and modify your practice to suit your space. If using support make sure that it is strong enough and will hold you.
Most importantly, maintain your sense of humour.
Love and light,
Some of you know I have been away for a while. I slipped and fell, messing up the nerve supply to my left leg. It’s now no longer numb but lacks strength and now needs some work 🙂
On the flip side I had a rather indulgent month or so, focusing on my yoga practice and healing journey, I had so many messages from students and friends, many I know and some I do not. I have tried to respond to each one.
Whilst making this little film I remembered at the end to thank Emilie because I had not yet responded to her. Salabhasana (the locust pose) is currently one of my firm favorites, bringing much needed support to the back body. This simple back bend would be one for the emergency (bug-out bag).
If you have read this far, thank you for your support.
Look after yourself, be kind and attentive to your body’s needs.
Love and light,
Grab your yoga chair (or suitable alternative), a bolster (or foam pads) and join me with a couple of chair twists to unravel tension.
Bharadvajrasana and Marichyasana using a chair is a simple yet effective way to re-balance the postural muscles of the back and gentle tone and release the abdominal muscles.
Love and light,
It was so windy today I decided to pull a video out from my last visit to Tresco (one of the Scilly Isles).
The video was filmed just below the Block House looking towards Old Grimsby, a stones throw away from the introductory photo.
I think this island is the most beautiful place in the world (mainly because I feel so at home there).
This practice is suited for those who have a stronger practice (definitely not for beginners ), happy with back-bending asana and know their bodies well.
The sequence includes side-bow pose, Parsva Dhanurasana, and dropping back from head balance into bent legged Viparita Dandasana. You are welcome to miss these out.
As always; listen to your body’s inner wisdom and pay close attention to it’s requirements. Move safely and carefully.
love and light,
Give yourself a treat, a gentle session, unwind and uplift at the same time.
There’s nothing better sometimes than sitting around and stretching.
A great little practice any time of day especially as a pre-bedtime session.
Breathe, stretch and relax,
A perfect start to a morning.
Release your muscles , unwind your mind.
Gently follow this simple sun salute, bend your legs if you want , step or jump to transition, it’s up to you.
Listen, focus move.