Sometimes life can feel a little rocky.
This little practice will bring a sense of strength from inside out (they are called warrior poses for a reason).
One of my teachers always said “why be a worrier when you can be a warrior” 🙂
The forward bends towards the end of the sequence release the spine and the backs of the legs, then finishing with Adho Mukha Virasana, the mind becomes passive.
Prussia cove is a precious place with a beautiful energy. This practice and place left me feeling blessed.
Look after your body, your mind and your emotions.
Take care of yourself,
Who needs the Gym? Why work out when you can work in 🙂
A 30 minute focus on working towards chaturanga dandasana (the four limbed staff pose).
This pose is a whole body/mind work out.
Undo press-up patterns to engage new muscles, toning the backs of the arms, the core and the legs.
Not suitable if you are pregnant or have carpal tunnel syndrome.