Balance and breathe

Trees are the lungs of the earth. Trees help our planet breathe. Vrksasana (tree pose) enables our chest and lungs to open more, enabling us to find a deeper fuller breath too.
Forests around the world are also our planet’s air conditioning system and help keep the planet cool. In Vrksasana try to breathe through the nose to filter and prepare the air before it enters the lungs. Breathe out through the nose to gently cleanse the nasal passage of any dust or debris.
Practice makes better.
Root your feet into the ground, prepare your base, trunk and mind for a short practice that will help you breathe more easily.
Work to your own capacity and capability.
Breathe and enjoy,
Love and light,

Twisting up Trencrom

Before the lock-down rules tightened I took my mat up to the shelter of the boulders up on Trencrom.
The back of the hill was still frosty and the wind was icy cold but the sun gave the gift of summer.
Seated twists are a marvellous way to keep your socks on, if, like me you are not so keen on chilly toes.
The twists head towards a simple forward bend then onto the arm balance Eka Hasta Bhujasana to bring the awareness back to the core of the body, re-balancing with Adho mukha svanasana (dog pose) and viparita karani (inverted energies pose).
No need to leave your home to practice this one, my thick yoga mat felt quite cumbersome and heavy.
Please pay attention that you practice these poses with care and attention, with your own needs and requirements in mind.
Love and light,

Warrior on the Rocks

Sometimes life can feel a little rocky.
This little practice will bring a sense of strength from inside out (they are called warrior poses for a reason).
One of my teachers always said “why be a worrier when you can be a warrior” 🙂
The forward bends towards the end of the sequence release the spine and the backs of the legs, then finishing with Adho Mukha Virasana, the mind becomes passive.
Prussia cove is a precious place with a beautiful energy. This practice and place left me feeling blessed.
Look after your body, your mind and your emotions.
Take care of yourself,