From Standing to gentle Ustrasana

Ustrasana or Camel pose is a wonderful heart opening pose, it lifts the spirit and opens up the chest.
Standing poses bring strength to the legs reminding us to remain grounded.
This little film was made one morning on Tresco (one of the Isles of Scilly). Listen out for the birds, so so soothing.
Enjoy your practice,

A few ideas to help you with Chaturanga Dandasana

Using props in yoga can really help with getting a handle on the slightly more challenging poses. Holding Chaturanga in an Iyengar Yoga practice is a challenge. In the book, Light on Yoga, BKS Iyengar says “stay for some time with normal breathing”, leaving it up to the individual to decide how long “some time ” is. Often we dip in and don’t hold this chaturanga challenge, at the end of the practice we do just that (but only if you want to). Enjoy, Love and light, Lucy

A gentle practice for happy knees

Spending a little bit of time observing the body pays dividends.
When the knees are tight, often they need a little more time to allow the tissues to release. Practice and repetition also helps.
Imagine you are giving your knees a treat, listen to them carefully, explore gentle movement, find out what works for each knee individually. Who knows you might even find that the hamstrings will release a little too 🙂
I have been practicing this sequence for a little while now and I find it super relaxing.
Stay with soft attentive movement, if something does not feel quite right just accept it, release and maybe try again.
I usually find that if I gently try a second time, movement comes a little easier.
Listen to your and body practice with care.

Love and light,

Simple Salabhasana in St Ives Sunshine

Some of you know I have been away for a while. I slipped and fell, messing up the nerve supply to my left leg. It’s now no longer numb but lacks strength and now needs some work 🙂
On the flip side I had a rather indulgent month or so, focusing on my yoga practice and healing journey, I had so many messages from students and friends, many I know and some I do not. I have tried to respond to each one.
Whilst making this little film I remembered at the end to thank Emilie because I had not yet responded to her. Salabhasana (the locust pose) is currently one of my firm favorites, bringing much needed support to the back body. This simple back bend would be one for the emergency (bug-out bag).
If you have read this far, thank you for your support.
Look after yourself, be kind and attentive to your body’s needs.
Love and light,