Improving Triangle and Sideways Stretch

Standing poses feature heavily within the Iyengar yoga practice, bringing strength into the legs and body. You soon feel it when they have not been practiced for a while.
Dan noticed the other day that his inner thighs had become tight. He requested a practice to stretch them out.
Here it is – triangle and sideways stretch with a peppering of the cobbler pose.


Happy Standing Poses

What to say? Dan said it all; “Happy standing poses!”.
The winter brings such joy when the sun shines.

You might notice that I have shoes on my mat… the shoes were clean and new. I bought them last summer but i had no-where to wear them out. They have come into their own now though. It was a little strange wearing shoes on my yoga mat at first, I got used to it pretty quickly and they are so much more comfortable than slipping around in socks (toe-socks or otherwise)

Join me as i run (well, stand and jump) through these poses.
Enjoy, and work within your own capacity.

See you soon, love and light

Yoga shorts mini dawn practice

Don’t let this mini practice deceive you.

I would like you to see that in just 4 minutes you can be inspired to do a “yoga short asana practice”

It actually took more than an hour, although only 4 minutes is seen here.

It started with silent meditational bare-foot  walk down to the beach, focusing on the breath and the sounds of nature.

Then came the small focus on asana (posture) meditation before finishing with standing ujjayi breathing.

I always try to finish with a focus on gratitude, whether prayer, meditation or contemplation. Being thankful is a great way to see the positives in life (even when it seems there are few).


Too often we think that yoga is just something to be done “on the mat” but in fact true yoga is a lifelong path of constant non-judgemental correction to improve our daily lives from moment to moment.

Gathering and releasing thoughts, letting go of the impulse patterns that no longer serve , is a great way to start the day .

No input from any outside source other than what nature can give to you.

Giving your “watcher within” the opportunity to be heard.

What a blessing.