Urdhva Dhanurasana on my yoga deck, re-balancing my upper and lower body. Joker the vw in the background. Dan’s outta site building a fence to give the van some private space for yogair bnb. Watch this space…
Urdhva Dhanurasana on my yoga deck, re-balancing my upper and lower body. Joker the vw in the background. Dan’s outta site building a fence to give the van some private space for yogair bnb. Watch this space…
Just trying it out for size. Perfect for practicing my adho mukha vrksasana. My morning practice is cooled by the shade of the Copper Beech. Heavenly on hot days.
It has made me smile each morning and made everyone else laugh … happy days!
This photo is the sunrise over the Ruin cafe Tresco. I’m really looking forward to teaching my next yoga holiday there.
So glad to have a second day of teaching with Alan Brown. This time at the Zed Shed in Penryn.
The focus once more was on breaking habitual patterns, this made for a deeper awareness within each asana.
Spending time feeling the lift of the back chest brought a quieter approach and reflection to all the postures covered, the most notable being urdhva dhanurasana. Back bends usually give a stimulating effect sometimes heading towards the equivalent of a double espresso.. This time however we felt awake sharp, alert and calm all at the same time.
What a super day at the yoga Hut in Falmouth with senior Iyengar yoga teacher Alan Brown, focusing on unlearning learnt habitual patterns of behaviour within yogasana. As a group we were mainly teachers, he explained ‘teachers need students, we forget that our first student is our own body, remember not to get stuck in habitual patterns of movement ‘This was the first workshop held at this new yoga studio run by the lovely Jane Lane. The studio had all the equipment we needed and with underfloor heating I couldn’t have been more comfortable.Alan is teaching again at the Zed shed in Penryn tomorrow from 11-5 pm. Go if you can make it .
Now begins my journey of yoga… Welcome to my new blog, where I will embrace the sutras, combining the teachings of Patanjali alongside my every day life.
Hold tight
Here goes