Simple Yoga With A Chair – Lockdown Day 6

My Tuesday early session has my silver-surfers in it. Silver haired, biologically young beans, all keen to stretch out and keep their bodies as mobile as possible.
Often I find the work much stronger than expected although we use props more than in a general yoga session.
This is a condensed version of some of the adaptations made in those sessions. I have lots fun with them, always laughing and having a go…
This one is for you, silver-surfers! Chair yoga…

Stay safe… stay well… keep yourself and the chair connected to the floor.

Love and light,

(ps Lucy means light too!)

Lockdown Day 5 Supta padangusthasana

This little session focuses on supta-padangustasana 1
It is a great way to start a practice or can be a short session all of it’s own. I really feel this pose is an adaptogen, great when your legs feel like they have not moved enough or when they have been worked hard, bringing relief from which ever way you are approaching it!
You will need a belt and a yoga mat and maybe a blanket if you need extra padding.
I apologise, the sound of the wind is quite loud as it changed direction.
This is a fun learning curve, thank you for watching,
:0) Lucy