My Tuesday early session has my silver-surfers in it. Silver haired, biologically young beans, all keen to stretch out and keep their bodies as mobile as possible.
Often I find the work much stronger than expected although we use props more than in a general yoga session.
This is a condensed version of some of the adaptations made in those sessions. I have lots fun with them, always laughing and having a go…
This one is for you, silver-surfers! Chair yoga…

Stay safe… stay well… keep yourself and the chair connected to the floor.

Love and light,

(ps Lucy means light too!)

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  • I’m sure most of us have spent a lot of time gardening during “lockdown”. After a few hours of wrestling weeds I decided to follow the chair yoga practice. This was brilliant; I thoroughly recommend it whether you follow a regular yoga practice or not. It really helped to stretch in a gentle, supportive way.

    • lucy 04/04/2020  

      Thank you maz, I’ll take your advice and try the practice after my next gardening session 🙂

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