Happy Standing Poses

What to say? Dan said it all; “Happy standing poses!”.
The winter brings such joy when the sun shines.

You might notice that I have shoes on my mat… the shoes were clean and new. I bought them last summer but i had no-where to wear them out. They have come into their own now though. It was a little strange wearing shoes on my yoga mat at first, I got used to it pretty quickly and they are so much more comfortable than slipping around in socks (toe-socks or otherwise)

Join me as i run (well, stand and jump) through these poses.
Enjoy, and work within your own capacity.

See you soon, love and light

Warrior 2 into Sideways Stretch

In under 5 minutes you can feel stronger and more connected with the earth, I certainly did.
Warrior 2 (the clue is in the name) and sideways-stretch  (guess where you should feel this pose) combine perfectly together to form a mini sequence appropriate for a quick wild “yoga” session.
Complete with walking boots and a warm coat, no mat required

Ardha Chandrasana with a gate (and trikonasana part 2 )

Whilst out and about for my daily exercise, I thought I could make a few yoga shorts combining yog-asana with my walk.
This came naturally after the previous Trikonasana post.
Ardha Chandrasana is divine when it is supported, you can use a wall at home and have your back against it.
Please make sure that what ever you choose to support you, that it is doing just that; safe, secure and you feel comfortable.

A walk through Trikonasana … with a gate

Whilst out and about for my daily exercise I thought I could make a few yoga shorts showing how to combine a practice and walk.
This gate was perfect to support both Trikonasana and Ardha Chandrasana (the next clip).
If you decide to start your own (out in nature, supported practice) please make sure that the gates etc are secure and safe and that you are not putting yourself or anyone else at risk.
That’s the mum talk done. Get out there and enjoy…
Look after your self. Stay safe 🙂

Wake up your hips

Simple crossed leg and kneeling positions.
It was warm and this little sequence was the perfect way to get going on a lazy Sunday morning.
Stay gentle in your approach, observing a well lifted spine.
Follow the guidance of an experienced teacher if you have issues with your hips or knees.
Shine bright,

Getting to know your hamstrings

These standing poses will wake up the back of the legs.
Give the poses and your legs time. Muscles take a while to increase their length, so, just like you would not expect your muscles to grow immediately (think Pop-eye) don’t expect to be as bendy as Olive oil immediately either.
The stretch should feel more like a wide stretch in the main part of the muscle rather than a sharp pointy stretching sensation at the top of the leg near the buttocks.
Keep each stretch within your own capacity and enjoy the sensation of fresher feeling legs.

Ease into the evening

I’m tired. I don’t feel like doing anything. I especially don’t feel like anyone looking at me…
These are the times when our practice can become a real friend. It whispers to you “relax, take your time, be gentle, take care, breathe smoothly, breathe quietly, becalm”

This practice is perfect as a post-work, pre-evening practice.
Be gentle , listen to your body and don’t push.

Standing poses and inversions

Using the wall for support brings a whole new clarity to the leg work in this practice.
The wall gives stability allowing our balance to come more naturally, allowing the feeling within each pose to go a little deeper.
Working from Utthita Trikonasana through to sarvaganasana this practice takes just over an hour. I tried to guide you through savasana so many times but the noise over the hedge was just too much this time. So please settle yourself for savasana well at the end of this session
Shine bright

Please work to your own capacity and be gentle with yourself 🙂


Who needs the Gym? Why work out when you can work in 🙂
A 30 minute focus on working towards chaturanga dandasana (the four limbed staff pose).
This pose is a whole body/mind work out.
Undo press-up patterns to engage new muscles, toning the backs of the arms, the core and the legs.

Not suitable if you are pregnant or have carpal tunnel syndrome.