Bending at Botallack

Standing poses to back bends, just over 1 hour

The wind was gusting over 50 mph and if you know Cornwall it blows in all directions at once.
I went to several favorite spots, mostly too windy (even though technically off shore and sheltered) or the Cliff had collapsed because of the hammering the Cornish coast has taken in the last few storms.
To the right of the screen, the engine houses that you can see, served the mining tunnels that went well below the sea level and miles out underneath it! Poldark country 🙂
This sequence is just over an hour long, so set aside enough time to take a longer savasana if you need it.
From sideways stretch, to gate latch pose and the upward bow, you will feel stronger and more energized after this session.
As always , feel and work to your own capacity.
love and light

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