Backbends on Tresco

a gratitude practice, 45 minutes

It was so windy today I decided to pull a video out from my last visit to Tresco (one of the Scilly Isles).
The video was filmed just below the Block House looking towards Old Grimsby, a stones throw away from the introductory photo.
I think this island is the most beautiful place in the world (mainly because I feel so at home there).

This practice is suited for those who have a stronger practice (definitely not for beginners ), happy with back-bending asana and know their bodies well.

The sequence includes side-bow pose, Parsva Dhanurasana, and dropping back from head balance into bent legged Viparita Dandasana. You are welcome to miss these out.

As always; listen to your body’s inner wisdom and pay close attention to it’s requirements. Move safely and carefully.
love and light,

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