Iyengar yoga Standing poses, Tresco

In the back of ‘Light on Yoga’ is a 300 week yoga programme. I though it would be interesting to practice week one. Guruji said “My body is my first prop”. Today this is all I had too, so this is a practice without any other props, not even a mat 🙂 and I kept slipping in the sand which made it slightly more challenging.
For more info about the poses check out the Light on Yoga book, it is amazing.
Next week I will put up the second version I made, with props and shoulder stand too.
Love and light,

Yoga to ease your shoulders and stretch out your arms

Relax your upper body with this gentle relaxed look at arm stretching.
Give yourself an internal massage if you move sensitively and gently through this practice.
Feel the tension drain away.
Once again from the Yoga studio in Kerela above Samudra beach…. a heavenly place to be, as the locals say “God’s own country”.
This place is amazing.
Enjoy x Lucy

From Standing to gentle Ustrasana

Ustrasana or Camel pose is a wonderful heart opening pose, it lifts the spirit and opens up the chest.
Standing poses bring strength to the legs reminding us to remain grounded.
This little film was made one morning on Tresco (one of the Isles of Scilly). Listen out for the birds, so so soothing.
Enjoy your practice,

A few ideas to help you with Chaturanga Dandasana

Using props in yoga can really help with getting a handle on the slightly more challenging poses. Holding Chaturanga in an Iyengar Yoga practice is a challenge. In the book, Light on Yoga, BKS Iyengar says “stay for some time with normal breathing”, leaving it up to the individual to decide how long “some time ” is. Often we dip in and don’t hold this chaturanga challenge, at the end of the practice we do just that (but only if you want to). Enjoy, Love and light, Lucy