Iyengar yoga Standing poses and Shoulder stand using a wall and props

In light on yoga there is a 300 week programme. I have followed the sequence using Yoga, a wall and props.
Although props are not necessary, they do improve sensory feed-back, ease, and the awareness of internal energy asana, making each yoga pose an entirely new somatic experience.
I though it would be fun to follow last week’s sequence again but showing it in a different light.
This practice has been amazing for me, re-visiting it nearly 30 years after first practicing it.
Reading BKS Iyengar’s words as if for the first time but knowing my body and the poses in a deeper manner.
Tadasana, Vrksasana, Utthita-Trikonasana, Utthita- Parsvakonasana, Virabhadrasana 1&2, Parsvottanasana, Salamba-sarvangasana, Halasana and of course I leave you with Savasana.
Enjoy! Have a beautiful day.
Love and light,

Iyengar yoga Standing poses, Tresco

In the back of ‘Light on Yoga’ is a 300 week yoga programme. I though it would be interesting to practice week one. Guruji said “My body is my first prop”. Today this is all I had too, so this is a practice without any other props, not even a mat 🙂 and I kept slipping in the sand which made it slightly more challenging.
For more info about the poses check out the Light on Yoga book, it is amazing.
Next week I will put up the second version I made, with props and shoulder stand too.
Love and light,