Release your breath and relax your tummy

Learning to move with a relaxed abdomen can allow our bodies to access deeper release.
It is so important to undo the undercurrents of tension that lie below our asana practice.
These elusive patterns hide away un-noticed as we can sometimes try harder and harder to get the posture “correct”.
Let go a little, feel the holding patterns that may no longer serve you, then maybe you can allow your self to rest well within.
I hope this practice helps a little.

Listen deeply, stay peaceful, enjoy.

Balance and breathe

Trees are the lungs of the earth. Trees help our planet breathe. Vrksasana (tree pose) enables our chest and lungs to open more, enabling us to find a deeper fuller breath too.
Forests around the world are also our planet’s air conditioning system and help keep the planet cool. In Vrksasana try to breathe through the nose to filter and prepare the air before it enters the lungs. Breathe out through the nose to gently cleanse the nasal passage of any dust or debris.
Practice makes better.
Root your feet into the ground, prepare your base, trunk and mind for a short practice that will help you breathe more easily.
Work to your own capacity and capability.
Breathe and enjoy,
Love and light,

Just Savasana by the sea

At the end of this morning’s session, Sam said “that was lovely! Just lying there at the end of the session with the sun on my face and the sound of the sea. So relaxing”. Sam then went off with a few others, for a quick swim in the sea.
Savasana is such a special pose. It is the one that give us so much when we give it the time it requires.
Learning to relax is not “being lazy”, it is learning to let go of tensions that no longer serve us, things that we can do nothing about and acceptance of where we are in every moment.
Give yourself some time to breathe, release and let go.
This pose is always time well spent. Take a look in BKS Iyengar’s “Path to holistic health” to see how to set yourself up for a comfortable savasana. Alternatively take yourself off to bed..
Love and light,

Just 3 poses

Utthita trikonasana, Ardha Chandrasana and Anantasana, aka; Triangle, Half moon and the Blissful pose are the asanas that take centre stage in this practice.
Although I am using ropes you do not need to, but a wall is super handy for balance and proprioception (your sense of where you are in space).
As you get more used to inhabiting your body during your practice you will start to feel the subtleties of each posture and the links that connect them together too.
This practice gets better with repetition, a good memory and a firm idea that you are approaching it, once more, with a beginners mind.
You will need a mat, wall, some blankets, a brick, a belt (ropes are ace but not necessary) and the all important peaceful heart.
Gently move from one pose into the next, paying careful attention to the body and the support that it needs.
Enjoy your practice.
Love and light,
x Lucy

Chair pose with a chair

A few nights ago I was on Facebook chatting on the ‘Women with camper-vans’ forum about the idea that a yoga holiday for women with camper-vans might be a nice idea. A lady asked if she do the yoga from a chair. She thought once down on the floor getting up might be difficult. I promised a little video that could be done using a chair (I used a bench in my garden, the weather was just too nice)
There is a lot of ‘Chair pose’.
It’s just a 20 minute practice, but I waffle a bit about G7 summit to begin with. I start teaching the yoga at about a minute in.
Work to your own capacity, be kind to yourself and Enjoy being in your body.
Love and light,

Campervan Yoga #1

This little sequence is designed to get your head around practicing in a small space. Maybe your standing pose stance will be a little narrower, maybe your space will not allow you to stretch your arms over your head… who knows, only your practice area will let you know.
The poses here are all simple ones I have taught before, and are suitable for a regular practice.
Look around and modify your practice to suit your space. If using support make sure that it is strong enough and will hold you.
Most importantly, maintain your sense of humour.
Love and light,


Some days I’m not in the mood for a strong practice. I feel a little “half-arsed” So I have learned to embrace that feeling wholeheartedly.
This is a suggested half-arsed practice.
When the pressure (whether internal or external) is removed, it is replaced with a new learning experience occurs.
A sensation of acceptance happens when we listen deeply to our body’s requirements and respond accordingly.
Enjoy letting go of your intention and feel where you are instead.
Remember, this is an ease-full practice for me so, be patient, kind and peaceful.

Love and light,

p.s. This is a ‘pre-new-microphone’ practice, I apologize for the traffic noise 🙂

Seated postures – crossed legs and kneeling

A deceptively deep practice. Who would have thought kneeling and crossed legs could be so much fun.
Padamasana (lotus pose) makes an appearance at the end (certainly not a requirement 🙂
The twists are very good for toning, releasing and lengthening the torso and pelvic area as long as you stay within your own capacity for movement.
Gently push your boundaries but not your limits.
If you have low back problems or knee issues, consult your Iyengar teacher first.
Practice with gentle awareness,
shine bright,

Yoga Unplanned – episode 2 – Get moving again

Starting with a modified sun-salute as a gently dynamic way of easing into the beautiful side rotation of Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana. This pose will bring length to the hamstrings, spine, shoulders, lower back, and the sides of the abdomen. It provides a spinal twist that massages and stimulates the digestive system whilst also relieving fatigue. This pose brings me great joy and up-liftment.
Work within your own capacity

Shine Bright


NB: Not suitable suffering with low back pain or diarrhoea

Wake up your hips

Simple crossed leg and kneeling positions.
It was warm and this little sequence was the perfect way to get going on a lazy Sunday morning.
Stay gentle in your approach, observing a well lifted spine.
Follow the guidance of an experienced teacher if you have issues with your hips or knees.
Shine bright,