Sun, sea and standing poses

If I could only explain the joy a few good standing poses brings to my body, the captured image would be it.
With a strong and well balanced action in the legs we have support for our spine and the rest of the yoga practice.
Standing poses are key within the Iyengar yoga system and yet soooo easily forgotten when we become obsessed with more complicated asana.
The late summer sun, the sound of the sea and the standing poses brought a great sense of grounding with upliftment, the play of opposites!

As always listen to your body and work to your own capacity.

Love and light,

A practice for your legs

This practice is a great way to start the day.
Not much knee bending in this session, a simple practice with shoulder stand at the end.
Lift up your knee-caps, energize your thighs. Your legs should feel great after this routine.
Listen to your body and respond to it’s needs. It is the only one you’ve got!

Pinca Mayurasana

The Peacock pose, forearm balance, had me foxed for years.
As I started to think about the name of the pose and consider a peacocks trait’s (my arms are explaining the way the peacock opens up it’s tail feathers in the title picture), it got my imagination rolling and I was off.
I believe that it’s not about the perfect pose, it is about the correct approach, physically and mentally.

Precautions and contra-indications;
as with all inversions, please avoid during menstruation or if the pose causes pressure in the head, ears or eyes. If you have; back, shoulder, or neck injury.
A heart condition or high blood pressure.
Migraine or head-ache.

Most importantly as with any yoga practice, listen to your own body, be kind and sensitive to your bodies needs.

Egg-splaining Bakasana

Strengthen your arms, legs and abdomen.
Bakasana (birdpose) was re-named by my boys “baby handstands”.
It’s important to be able to feel the weight through the arms before you head towards lift off.
This practice will encourage you to learn to trust your arms, and connect the tail-bone towards the crown of the head, enabling this pose to take flight.
A posture journey through adho mukha svanasana (dog head down), uttanasana (forward bend) and malasana (garland pose), I hope this practice will bring a new insight into this beautiful little compact pose.

Carpal tunnel syndrome